One story that has always stuck out with me in regards to kindness is of one where it was received instead of given. Easily enough, I could recount the many times I have offered my help and shared goods with others but rather feel the credit belongs to those that inspired the actions. For me, it begins with the spring of my thirteenth birthday, a year for most young girls that acts as the milestone to their adult lives. Realizing this, my parents felt it was time for me to own my first cellphone. It was of higher quality than what the other kids my age had and they stressed that I take good care of it.
The following morning I awoke to another sunny and warm day on the island. Being excited about my new cellphone, I planned on calling all my friends to share the news, however, duty called and I was reminded that the chores needed to be done. When it came time for me to walk the dogs, I headed down a path made way by school children over the seasons. My destination was a community park which was frequented by all kinds, mainly children though adults visited in hopes of escaping the surrounding city. It was rumored the homeless sought shelter there during the night though I had never seen any there before myself.
The park had an area for pets to run around unleashed and shortly after arriving I sat down to read a book while the dogs frolicked with each other, occasionally looking up to smile at their play. When all was done I collected my discman, sunglasses and book, I called for the dogs and we began our way back home. It wasn't till I reached the threshold of my house when it hit me like lightning, I had left my cellphone on the park bench and to make matters worse I had wedged a 2000 YEN bill (equivalent to 20 US) in between the screen and keypad. I dropped the leashes and began rushing back as quickly as I could, the dogs barking due to the sudden excitement, ran at full speed ahead of me. My only thought was the look on my parent's face and the punishment that was sure to come, this fueled my body to run even faster. Upon my return, I immediately noticed that the cellphone was no longer sitting on the bench. My heart sank heavily and all hope I had was gone. As I turned to leave a man draped in tattered clothing approached me timidly, I smiled and he lifted his arm as if to hand me something. Past his soiled fingers, within his worn out grasp he opened his hand to expose my cellphone, and the 2000 YEN bill safely tucked inside. I was overtaken with joy and without thinking lurched forward to wrap my arms around him. He politely pulled back and instead gave me a boisterous smile and bowed humbly. I offered him the money in order to repay him for returning the phone but he adamantly refused. After expressing my gratitude we said our goodbyes and parted our ways.
Ever since that day I have severely devalued currency itself and instead weighed the kindness of others to be the true wealth of this world. This has enabled me to work effortlessly with my fellow man and bestow the same kindness and generosity given to me that day, every day hence forth.
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