Monday, December 6, 2010

Lysol's No-Touch Hand Soap System

Well, I am back. I've been a blog member for a week now and in the three days I didn't have it, I almost flipped my sh*t. Anyway, I had to copy and paste my previous blog entries and repost them here because I haven't been able to log in to my original account to update or delete. Hence, I have made a new blog! Please ignore Hopefully soon, I can get it taken down.

On to the fun stuff! Firstly, let's take a look at the Lysol hands-free motion sensor soap dispenser...
Now, I know I can't be the only American to realize this is the most asinine product to hit the market, ever. For obvious reasons, (hopefully they are as obvious to you as they are to me), this product should NOT even be in circulation much less, existence. I feel the need to stress upon the fact that the soap dispenser requires 4 AA batteries, I hate the use of batteries and I find the "idiot factor" to be so overwhelming in this case I can't ignore it. So despite paying 5 dollars for a set of batteries, and man does this thing eat through their usage, you might as well be investing 5 dollars a month for the rest of your life with this item! Unlike your typical dispenser, which can easily be refilled with a cheap bulk liquid soap that will last you 8 mos vs. Lysol's refillable 4 oz canisters which only last 1 to 3 months depending on usage and cost a pretty penny.

Ok, ok, I think I am being generous by not mentioning the negative impact that batteries cause on our planet, even though the will is strong... Let's keep moving. How does your typical soap dispenser work? I am going to go over the steps one by one, just to make it clear.
1. You just peed/pooped and now its time to wash your hands!
2. Awesome, you remembered to wash your hands!
3. You push down on the soap applicator and viola! Soap in your hand!
4. Either you just turned the faucet knob or it was already running when you dispensed the soap.
5. Lather your hands up into some nice foam action.
6. Rinse thoroughly in the the running water.
7. Close faucet.
8. Dry hands aaand HOLY POOP BATMAN, your hands are no less germ free than some dummy willing to invest 5 bucks a month plus the initial charge of the product and it's refilling costs.

Guess what? Even with a touch free dispenser you still have to touch your face, the faucet handle, and towel. The EXACT same things you'd have to touch without owning this Lysol product. A healthier, germ free soap? HOW!? Tell me how! You can't. It is virtually impossible to do so. So why does this product sell for 10 bucks a pop plus refill canisters and battery cost? People are stupid. Please don't be stupid. Choose a more environmentally friendly product like staying with your standard pump soap dispenser than choosing this ridiculous item. Remember to recycle what you do not refill and it's a great idea to simply mix the soap with the water in thirds, to make it last even longer.

Buy smart, shop S-mart.

Word of the Day:
Palingenesis -
1.Rebirth; regeneration.
2.In biology, embryonic development that reproduces the ancestral features of the species.
3.Baptism in the Christian faith.
4.The doctrine of transmigration of souls.

1.Rebrth; regeneration.

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